2012 finished on a great high for Financing Hope with the purchase of our new office in North Richmond and a permanent staff member hired to start at the end of January 2013. Little did I know at the time what was waiting in 2013 for my personal life. Whilst finishing off the office renovations in early 2013 and starting to plan the office launch my relationship of almost 16 years came to an end. Wanting to keep my private struggle and turmoil away from my client’s joys was a challenge. Coming to terms with such a life changing event while running a busy business was not an easy task. It took me many months to open up to clients and even close friends about my change in circumstances.
Fortunately for me a small number of close family and friends helped me to get through this time, which I am still going through, and keep me focused on what was important. One of the great blessings that I had at this difficult time in my life was my wonderful business Financing Hope. Feeling needed when your personal life had been torn apart was so important. So many of my clients don’t know how greatly they helped me through such a trying year.
Being a personalised service I go on a journey with all of my clients, some I am proud to say are very good friends. Many plans, events, including the office opening, were all put on hold, even my web blog went on hold due to the emotional turmoil that I was battling behind closed doors.
I have helped separated people with their home refinances and settlements before, now I can say that I have the greatest appreciation and understanding for what my clients have been going through. I hope that my personal experience can be used to help many more people that are going through this situation to educate and to make it as pain free as possible.
As 2013 draws to a close I want to extend a huge thank you to so many of my clients, some that knew of my situation and were extra patient with me and even comforted me through my tears, others who had no idea of my private battle and gave me a reason. I am so fortunate to be able to work in a business that I love and to deal with so many clients who’s lives I share moments with.
In market news….It was a great year for buyers and sellers. With historically low interest rates, there were many opportunities for those wanting to make a change and take advantage. Rates are still at record lows and it will be with great intrigue that we watch to see what the housing market does when it awakens in 2014. It certainly closed the year on a great high.
I look forward to 2014 and will be keeping all of my clients and interested readers updated on the market, Financing Hope events and life in general in 2014.
I wish you and your families an amazing 2014, may it bring you all you need.