Category Archives: blossom news

Debt Consolidation

More often I am meeting clients who are feeling financial pressure in their household. This happens due to many reasons, sometimes the loss of a job, the expansion of the family, a failed business or large unexpected expenses. When we meet they have been going through months...
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RBA meeting next week

In June the RBA made a decision to cut the cash rate by 25 basis points. In the weeks following it became apparent that momentum the local economy was stronger than had generally been expected. Economists have stated that the RBA is currently ahead of the...
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Benefits of Buying a Property through a Self Managed Super Fund

Since reading my previous comments regarding the importance of super I hope you have taken the time to think about your super. Where it is, how much is in there and how is it invested? Many people have bought investment properties and sold them due...
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Benefits of using a deposit bond for your new home purchase

What is a deposit bond? When you sign a home loan contract you may need to pay up to 10% of the purchase price. But you may not have immediate access to your deposit funds if the sale of your existing home hasn’t settled or...
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Happy New Financial Year

It must be the accountant in me that loves the start to the new financial year. Being winter  and not being able to spend your weekends at the beach it is the perfect time to get your paperwork in order for your tax return and set some...
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